Clearing discolored nails is difficult. The appearance of healthy, undamaged toenails is generally pretty well understood. Nails that aren’t damaged or infected will look clear. They show the color of the skin underneath, which should be a slightly pinker tone than your normal skin tone.

Discolored Nails

Toenail fungus is a big reason why the clear, healthy appearance of the toenail changes. The most common sign that your nails are infected by fungus is discoloration.

How to treat discolored nails caused by toenail fungus?

Clearing discolored nails involve treating the fungus that is causing the discoloration. There are a few ways that people try to do this, but the best and safest option is to see a licensed podiatrist. They are qualified medical doctors who will be able to give you safe, effective treatment for toenail fungus. However, not all prescriptions for toenail fungus are safe or effective.

Topical medications can take up to a year to eliminate any nail fungus and see improvement in your discolored nails and even then are ineffective. Oral medications are a little faster and more effective at clearing the discoloration, but are very unsafe and can cause liver toxicity. The best option to clear your discolored nails is the PinPointe laser treatment.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

For most patients, the PinPointe laser immediately kills all of the fungi under the nail with just one treatment. From there, you can start seeing an improvement in your discolored nails when a new healthy nail starts growing in.

Clearing discolored nails is a matter of how fast you can treat the underlying issue. You should see a podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.

smelly toenail treatment

Laser Treatment for nail fungus