Fingernails with the fungus can be very easy to notice. While nail fungus most commonly affects the toenails, fungal infections are possible in other areas of the body. Fungus spores can attach to most surfaces. They can find a good environment to grow. Toenails are often the perfect place for this to happen, but fingernails are also sometimes a target.

Fingernails with Fungus

Fungus on the fingernails is less common than on the toes. This is because the fingers are usually kept drier than the toes. This happens without most people trying, as the sweat from the feet tends to moisten the environment around the toenails. Additionally, toenail fungus tends to go unnoticed for a longer period of time since the toenails are less visible than the fingernails. Because of this, fingernail fungus is more likely to be treated before it is spread to others through methods such as shaking hands.

While fingernail fungus is less common, it can often be more worrying than toenail fungus for purely aesthetic reasons. The fingernails are much more visible than toenails, and fingernail fungus is much more difficult to obscure. Because of this, fungus on the fingernails can be more stressful than toenail fungus. An upside to this is that because the nails of the finger are more visible, it is easier to recognize fingernail fungus while it is new. This is good because if you receive effective treatment for the fungus while it is in its beginning stages, you can eliminate the condition before it starts to look very obvious.

softening nails

Treatment Options

Some treatment options for nail fungus are topical solutions and oral medication. Topical solutions are not an effective treatment option because the cure rate is very low, typically between 5 to 10 percent. It takes a very long time to see any results. This is because the topical solution does not penetrate all the way through to kill all the fungus present under the nail bed. Oral medication is a bit more effective but it can be dangerous. Oral medication can lead to liver toxicity.

Laser Treatment

Our nail doctor in Manhattan, NY recommends the PinPointe Laser treatment for nail fungus. Treatment for fingernail fungus is pretty similar to common treatments for toenail fungus. The best treatment available for both fingernail and toenail fungus is the PinPointe laser, which typically requires only one treatment to completely cure the fungus. It has the highest cure rate in the market. There are no side effects and no recovery period. You can go back to your daily activities after the treatment. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.