Frustrating stinky toenail fungus is hard to manage in multiple ways. The symptoms commonly caused by toenail fungus, especially stinky nails, can cause social disturbance to your everyday life. For example, nails that are particularly smelly can make people less likely to want to be around you personally. It is easy for bad smelling feet to create bad-smelling air around you, which will follow you wherever you go. When a bad smell follows you around, you will notice its effects in other areas of your life.

Aside from the personal discomfort that comes with a bad smell, your interactions with other people will likely be affected. People around you may start to notice the smell and avoid you. Or even make comments about your feet that may cause you to become self-conscious. Society can be harsh, and tends to make generalizations about things; nail fungus is one of them.

Stinky Toenails

When a majority of people see or smell toenail fungus, they might form judgments. They will talk about why your toes look and smell different.  Even though you may have tried removing the toenail fungus, many people will assume that you are dirty.

The underlying condition behind frustrating stinky nails is toenail fungus. Oftentimes, you need to treat the fungus itself to see improvement. It can also treat stinky toenails caused by this condition. The fungus causing the smell hide and grow under the nail inside the nail bed. It is difficult to reach with normal washing or topical treatments. It’s frustrating and difficult to remove the smell because of how hidden the fungus is.

There are over-the-counter and DIY treatments that people try to treat this condition. Some include frequent washing, antiperspirants, and deodorants. These treatments are usually don’t work at treating the fungus. Also, won’t do much to treat the fungal smell either.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

Frustrating stinky nails that are caused by fungus will almost always come alongside other symptoms of the fungal infection. Aesthetic damages to the nail are also very common as a symptom of toenail fungus. These damages are usually only visual, and can definitely make the nail appear dirty or discolored. These symptoms frequently include discoloration, cracking, brittleness, thickening, and lifting of the nail from the nail bed.

These symptoms can make the social stigma and personal isolation that toenail fungus causes more extreme. It can feel embarrassing to walk around in public places without your shoes on with a condition like toenail fungus, since it is often plainly visible. Many patients who are dealing with this condition avoid going to the beach, water parks, pool, or other activities that would normally improve their quality of life. Toenail fungus can feel very depressing to deal with when shame overrides your life.

Stinky Toenail Treatment Options

If you have frustrating stinky nails that are caused by fungus, fortunately there is some good news! There are definitely treatments available for fungus that can help alleviate both the aesthetic symptoms it causes as well as the smell that can emanate from under the toe. Many of these treatment, because of poor design, can lead to dangerous side effects and even more frustration than they do good. Topical medications for onychomycosis are one abundant recommendation for treating the fungal infections, which come in prescription and over the counter form.

These medications are often easy to find, but can typically be very ineffective as well. Because the active ingredients in topical medications must be dilute enough to not cause damage or irritation to the nail or skin, their effectiveness is significantly limited. 

Laser Treatment for Fungus

Not all nail doctors’ recommendations for frustrating stinky toenail fungus are safe either: many come with severe risks and have low cure rates. Another common prescription that some doctors will recommend is oral antifungal medications, which almost always carry risk of very dangerous side effects. These medications are very dangerous, and shouldn’t be used in most cases. Liver toxicity is a huge risk that can come with courses of these oral antifungal medications. 

If you have lost hope for treating your frustrating stinky nails, there is a safe and effective answer in sight. The PinPointe laser is an effective and safe treatment for toenail fungus that doesn’t come with risks of major side effects like oral antifungal medications. The PinPointe laser eliminates the fungus under your nail with just one session, which means you should start to see an improvement in the smell of your nails almost immediately. canadian pharmacy

If you have uncontrollable stinky toenails, you should be seen by a nail doctor as soon as possible so that you can improve the condition of your nails. They will be able to diagnose your condition and provide you with the care that can help. To see the nail doctor we work with at over 150 clinics nationwide to provide the PinPointe laser treatment, view our website here.