A toenail fungus infection is a common condition that can cause damage to the nail. When left untreated can cause both undesirable aesthetic changes to the nail as well as damage to the nail. These fungal infections need to be recognized as soon as possible. So that they don’t go untreated and become more severe. Because these infections often start by causing subtle aesthetic changes to the nail, it is helpful to know what to look for so you can immediately seek treatment. To recognize a toenail infected with fungus, there are a few signs you should be on the lookout for.

Typical signs of toenail fungus infection

One of the most common signs of a toenail infected with fungus is the change in the appearance of the nail. If you notice that your nail has started to become discolored, particularly with a yellow or brown hue, you may have a toenail fungus. This change in color can be across the whole nail or restricted to specific areas or spots on the nail.

Additionally, a change in the texture of the nail often signifies that an infection has started. This usually comes in the form of thickening, cracking, or splitting of the nail. The nail can even start to become crumbly or flaky, and commonly will present as brittle or weak. Another common symptom of the fungus is a cheese-like smell, which happens when the fungal infection allows a bacterial infection to co-occur.

If you notice any of these signs of fungus, it is imperative to get your toenails examined by a doctor who is licensed to work on the feet. After examining your nails, a podiatrist will be able to tell you if you have the fungus or not. If your toenails are infected with fungus, the podiatrist will provide treatment options for you and discuss your best path to a cure.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

The PinPointe laser treatment is considered the gold star for the treatment of toenails infected with fungus; this laser is able to kill all of the fungi present under the nails. After the treatment, you should notice new healthy growth in the previously infected toenails.

Our nail doctor in Manhattan, NY recommends this treatment. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful. If you have noticed any of these signs of infected toenails on your feet, you can make a free consultation with a doctor by calling (800)-672-0625 or visiting our website for more information.