If you need to soften nails that are thick from fungus, you likely understand how hard it is to live with a fungal infection. These infections affect the aesthetic quality of the toenail, which can be embarrassing and frustrating. Aside from this, nails that have been infected with a fungus for a while can become thickened, hardened, and brittle. This makes trimming them difficult, which can lead to even more embarrassment and frustration. To trim nails in a condition like this, you first may need to soften them. 

What should I do?

The trick to soften nails that are thick from fungus is to soak them as frequently as possible. Water soaks are effective at hydrating the nail enough so that it is no longer brittle and hard to cut. To perform these soaks, simply draw a bath or bucket full of warm water and leave your feet in it for a while. 

You can also soften nails that are thickened and hardened from fungus by using topical ointments like nail softening creams. These can be applied as frequently as possible so that they absorb and soften the nail.

To soften nails that are thick from fungus once and for all, the best thing to do is get the causal issue itself treated. This is often a lot easier said than done. Some of the frustration with fungal infections comes from their difficulty to cure completely. Many podiatrists will recommend treatments like topical or oral antifungal medications. However, the inefficacy and danger of bodily damage with these treatments can be discouraging.

There is a better way to permanently soften nails thickened like this. The PinPointe laser is effective at eliminating the fungus from under the nail with just one treatment. Our nail fungus laser treatment usually takes only one treatment and is painless.  After treatment is performed, a new healthy nail can start to grow behind the old damaged one. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.