Uncontrollable stinky toenails are difficult to manage both emotionally and physically. They can cause both personal discomforts, as well as social isolation. Since stinky odors coming from the feet, your friends and family can smell them. This can lead to a lot of issues. Additionally, it just doesn’t feel good to think your feet are causing distance between you and others.

If people have told you that your feet stink, you may be very self-conscious about the odor because of it. Many people assume that foot odor is because of poor hygiene and improper washing habits. Additionally, they may not be understanding if you have tried to improve the smell of your feet with no results.

Why do I have Stinky Toenails?

Uncontrollable stinky toenails are frequently caused by a toenail fungus. The smell that toenail fungus causes isn’t as simple to treat as many people may assume. Because the fungus lives underneath the nail, the fungus won’t wash away with simple soap and water.

In fact, the smell caused by toenail fungus may be very difficult to remove and even feel “impossible” to treat. Many people try all sorts of methods to alleviate the smell, including frequent washing, antiperspirants and deodorants, and more. Lack of results from these treatments can understandably lead to frustration.

Other Symptoms of Fungus on Toenails

Uncontrollable stinky toenails that are caused by a fungus usually don’t appear by themselves. Normally, when a toenail fungus infects the nail bed, it causes other damages to the nail as well. These damages can sometimes make the nail appear to be dirty and unsightly. The visual damage to the nail from fungus can also cause stigma and social isolation. Others may see the damage to the nail as resulting from poor hygiene.

If you think you have uncontrollable stinky toenails because of fungus, there are treatments available that can help. However, many of them may lead to even more frustration than they do to benefit. For example, there are a lot of topical medications for toenail fungus, both in prescription and over-the-counter form.

These medications are usually very weak because the concentration of active ingredients must be low enough to not cause damage or irritation to the nail or skin. Topical medications also have to penetrate through the nail into the nail bed to eliminate the fungus, which can be difficult especially with fungal nails that have become thickened. Some topical antifungal medications can take up to a year before any improvement in the nail is seen (if at all)!

Treatment Options for Stinky Toenails

Not all nail doctors’ recommendations for uncontrollable stinky toenails are safe and effective. Frequently nail doctors will recommend oral antifungal medications for toenail fungus treatment, which carry the risk of very dangerous side effects. While these medications are slightly more effective than topical medications, the risks outweigh the benefits for many patients. One of the most dangerous side effects that can come with oral antifungal medication use is that of liver toxicity. Liver toxicity can be very harmful to the body and can lead to liver damage and many problems later in life.

For this reason, oral antifungal medications are not recommended for people who have certain pre-existing conditions. It is also usually required to do blood screenings for liver functionality before and during the course of oral treatment. Perhaps the worst part about these medications is that even with all of the risks they put your body through, they still are likely to leave your fungal infection just as bad as it was before you took them!

Laser for Toenail Fungus

If you have given up hope for treating your uncontrollable stinky toenails, there is an answer in sight. The PinPointe Laser is an effective and safe treatment for toenail fungus that doesn’t come with risks of major side effects like oral antifungal medications. The PinPointe laser eliminates the fungus under your nail with just one session, which means you should start to see an improvement in the smell of your nails almost immediately.

This happens as a new healthy nail grows in behind the old damaged nail. Eventually, a completely clear nail will grow in the place of the old damaged, discolored nail that the fungus caused. If you have uncontrollable stinky toenails, you should be seen by a nail doctor as soon as possible so that you can improve the condition of your nails. They will be able to diagnose your condition and provide you with the care that can help. To see the nail doctor we work with at over 150 clinics nationwide to provide the PinPointe laser treatment, view our website here.